Muse News has been the title of my newsletter for years. The tagline is Beauty in your inbox, and it's meant to be just that. Artwork, design, and my thoughts on important subjects.
If I were describing a miracle, it could be that out-of-the-earth comes food. Yet flowers, a theme since my childhood, also provide nourishment—vital spiritual sustenance.
Few things are better than enjoying life with friends and loved ones. Nourishment happens on so many levels, and food is just one of them. Food Among The Flowers is inspired by current day themes.
I'm honored to be a part of the publication The Best of Watercolor, Splash 24, 2023 edition. I entered the competition last minute with the urging of a student. I rarely enter competitions, if ever. But this time, I did.
Making art helps me remember and realign. It stokes the fire within. Similarly, my work brings to its appreciators the frequencies I've been immersed in, the prayer that is the creation under my paintbrush.
You're an artist, a fan, and you want to take your work to the next level. If you're on fire and looking for a place to learn that goes beyond tutorials, you're in the right place.
Creativity is a superpower and it's built in to us, whether we make art with it or not. As a species we are evolving into the truly expansive creative beings we are meant to be. Join me in the conversation as I explore this topic. Watch the video.
Is ART dependent upon rules? If so, what kind of rules, and how do we agree to see things in a certain way? I'm not talking about art-related techniques here, but rather about our perception of reality.
When I’m attuned and ready to paint, absolutely everything is so stunningly beautiful. I’m peering through the veil, and into another realm of reality. And you have angels in that realm that can communicate with me on your behalf.