Peach Pink Irises, Flowing, Luminous Connection
Nature speaks through an invisible light transmitting her knowledge through tangible, physical, and ephemeral frequencies. Alive and all-encompassing, we are part of that light, Mother Nature's body of light. That's what inspires my work.
I'm pretty sure everyone can see the light I'm referring to. It shines through flowers fairly obviously, and all living things to some degree. And the variation of energies among flowers can translate into non-physical as well as physical medicine, depending on the plant. It isn't always necessary to ingest anything to receive the benefit of its gift.
Flowers emit a powerful spiritual light, and it's those frequencies that mingle with me, my process, and ultimately become part of my creations. Paintings happen as I add hundreds, if not thousands of layers, building up color and tone in small brush strokes over time. It's quiet inside, even if there's noise around me. Everything stops, and it's the stillness of nature anchors my every move.
In this painting the soft and translucent qualities of the petals, dreamy depth of the greens, and overlapping softness of shadows — it all has my attention. I venture deeply into its form, and the blossom reveals more of its mystery. Endless, exciting, and always surprising.
Irises are associated with creativity and the flow of creation within ourselves. Peach Pink Irises is about a soft and compassionate creative expression aligned with service. It speaks of softening edges, and allowing, rather than restraining our natural boundlessness. Peach Pink Irises nurtures creative expression, doing away with self-consciousness, self-criticism, and any of those annoying voices. Realignment to true self is happening all the time because we must reclaim our wisdom, our authentic nature. It's time.
Peach Pink Irises
See how even the very subtlest ways forward make for real and tangible progress. Even when you can't see or know where the edges are, where things begin and end, you can use your inner compass aligned with nature, and she will provide the guidance you need.
Boundless creative flow, Trust, Feeling nurtured and guided within Mother Nature's body of light.

Peach Pink Irises, watercolor shown in progress.
Leslie Montana
Exquisite Paintings on the Nature of Flowers is a body of work based on a sophisticated visual analysis of nature's frequencies = LOVE. Ongoing, and now in phase two.