Muse News, Beauty in your inbox.

Muse News, Beauty in your inbox.
Muse News has been the title of my newsletter for years. Each publication showcases my artwork, design, thoughts on subjects that are important to me, you, and usually some inspiration to keep us all on track, and in creative mode.
My writing schedule is not fixed. Sometimes I write weekly, other times, less frequently. Muse News is a Free publication. If you enjoy the quality, and content of my work, please consider donating. Your support is always appreciated and helps me continue to offer Muse News at no cost. Contributing positive energy to the collective is an important part of my work.
A New Platform?
When my previous newsletter carrier announced it was closing its doors, I looked around and found SubStack. As of September 2024, subscribers began receiving my newsletter through their platform. However, due to technical issues Muse News has been on hold since November. You can still visit the archives to read previous articles I've written.
Time to Pivot, again.
Another publishing platform has my attention this January while technical issues at SubStack remain unresolved. Read Claiming Higher Alignment, Nature's CTA on Medium for free. I'm still working out the details and learning about their publishing platform.
Either way, I invite you to subscribe. And please note, you can unsubscribe anytime. I will never spam you, or sell your contact information.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you. —Leslie