about Leslie Montana

Leslie Montana


Exquisite Paintings on the Nature of Flowers

I’m Leslie Montana, and I love to create. Throughout my career and life, I've become known as an ambassador between the seen and unseen worlds of Mother Nature. Exquisite Paintings on The Nature of Flowers is an ongoing body of work and my main focus. Begun in the mid 1990s, and now in phase two, I'm more inspired than ever as I continue to make paintings and explore this work as a form of practical spirituality.

Exquisite Paintings on the Nature of Flowers is a body of work based on a sophisticated visual analysis of Nature's frequencies = LOVE. My long-standing body of work, ongoing and now in phase two, began in the early 1990s and is the culmination of a lifetime quest—a sacred journey into the heart of Nature, Beauty, and healing the myth of separation.

Many of the paintings on my website are transparent watercolors. I also use a small amount of gouache (pronounced goo-ash) which is an opaque type of watercolor paint. I don't consider myself a watercolorist. I am an artist, and there is tremendous freedom in that. Versatility has always served me, and I use whatever is needed to achieve the results I'm looking for.

What I love about watercolor is the way it lets light through. And because pigments are suspended in a water-based medium, there is a quality of flow to it. Negotiating the balance of flow to control is what it's all about.

What I love about flowers is everything. The forms I work with let the light of life through and into our reality. Yet the miraculous qualities of Love embodied in them are often overlooked. Hence, my work as an ambassador between seen and unseen worlds of Mother Nature. 

Over the years, various projects have produced beautiful textiles, delightful interactions with the devas, and interesting photo essays. There's always something in the works.

Keep in touch and learn more about me and my work by subscribing to Muse News, Beauty in your inbox. Each publication showcases my artwork, design, thoughts on subjects important to me, you, and usually some inspiration to keep us all on track, and in creative mode.

If you're interested in acquiring original artwork, contact me.

Thank you for your interest.

—Leslie Montana