Impromptu Session, Thank You! Your Choice of Donation - Leslie Montana

Impromptu Session, Thank You! Your Choice of Donation

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Unexpected Gifts, Blessings, and Reciprocity

Have you received an impromptu reading, healing, or related gift from me on the fly?

Often, I unexpectedly arrive in front of people who say they've been looking for me. Synchronicity is at work as Nature provides the perfect pathway for my gifts to be received. The world is full of miracles, as our beating hearts weave threads of light that bring us together.

Happy to have been, and be of service.
Click here if you'd like to schedule a full session with me.

Say thank you with a donation!

Toggle the dropdown menu above and support my work at any level you'd like.
• Minimum suggested donation $20.00
• Friendship $25.00
• Gratitude  $35.00
• Thank You! $45.00
• Blessings! $65.00

With much appreciation and gratitude,
Leslie Montana