Dreaming Deva, about

I'm Leslie Montana, and this is one of my beloved projects.

Dreaming Deva, How it all Began.
One spring evening in the year 2000, I was at home in Montclair, NJ where I lived then, and the words and energy of 'Dreaming Deva' dropped in unexpectedly. A gigantic download followed that was full of love and lightness. It was April fools day... continue reading.

Mother Nature, flowers, plant allies, and the devas have always been a big part of my life. They speak to me in ways that are direct and immediately understandable. I consider myself an ambassador between seen and unseen worlds of Nature, as messages, various frequencies, and teachings come through and into my creations. 

I'm a lifelong artist with Mother Nature as my focus. Her very brilliant aliveness always has my attention, and my heart. I hope my writings and creations will bring you closer to your most cherished desires, and help you dream your life into being in wonderful ways.

To assist with that, learn more about my intuitive guidance readings.

Waking up to the Devic Realm, What is it?
For those who grew up in western civilization, the terms deva and devic realm, not to mention fairies, elves, nature spirits, sprites, seem mysterious and beyond grasp. Left-brain dominant thinking commonly dismisses it all in favor of logic, or societal myths... continue reading.

The Deva Boutique, is growing. Check it out.

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Thank you.
—Leslie Montana

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