Delicate Pinks
Title: Delicate Pinks | Medium: Oil on canvas
When I created Delicate Pinks, an oil painting of a pink rose blossom, it was after I’d taken a hiatus from the medium of oil paint. As I looked for healthier ways of using the traditional mediums I'd grown up with I found better ways of ventilating my studio and some wonderful new materials I could use. Blank canvases don’t scare me. They excite me. So, when I started this painting, I began fresh on several accounts as I began to reinvent the way I worked in oil and with a brand new blank white canvas. I learned a lot as I worked toward achieving a kind of luminosity using a new layering technique that would give the rose a glowing quality. With less of a traditional glazing style, my experimental wash-overlay is beginning to happen in this piece as it brings out the many delicate shades of pink in this rose.
Please email me for further details including availability of original artwork. Serious inquiries may arrange an in-person viewing upon request.