Dahlia series, untitled

Yellow Dalia, untitled.
The above photo shows the painting in progress as of late May 2024. Below is a side-by-side comparison from one day to another. As this incremental process takes place, creation takes form. In this case, as a painting. It's almost as if life is breathed into it with each mark I make. In the video below, I talk about the process and how this work of art came into being. — Leslie

Solar Starburst, Yellow Dahlia
Watercolor in progress, narrated. Progress as of June 2024

Solar Starburst, Yellow Dahlia
Watercolor in progress. Clips of me painting are included in this update video, October 2024.

Solar Starburst, Yellow Dahlia
Watercolor in progress. Update December 2024

Please note: My newsletter is offline due to technical issues. I hope to have everything sorted out before the new year.

Warm wishes for the Holidays, and a Happy, Healthy New Year!



Other Paintings in this Dahlia Series

There are three dahlias in this series so far. Shown on this page are two of those three. I'll be adding more photos as I go. It takes discipline and commitment to find the time to paint when I have many things to do. One step at a time, though. When you're committed to something like I've been for so many years, you make time because it's a high priority. Life always leads me back to painting. Even if it means not sending out my newsletter for a while. Sorry about that if you've been wondering. I'm still here, busy as ever. — Leslie

Shown above, Pink Dahlia, untitled, work in progress. See more, and watch me paint in the video below.


Exquisite Paintings on the Nature of Flowers is a body of work based on a sophisticated visual analysis of nature's frequencies = LOVE. Ongoing, and now in phase two.