You've been invited to participate in a one-on-one masterclass with Leslie Montana. Take your creative work to the next level while cultivating sustainable practices through active, relaxed meditation.
• Length of Series: 6 Weeks, online.
• Six classes: One class per week, for 6 weeks.
• Dates: Dates are consecutive, however, may be rescheduled when necessary. 24 hours notice is standard, and your consideration in advance is most appreciated.
• Class Day/Time: Saturdays, 10:30AM-12:30PM Mountain Time
• Duration: 2 or more hours each class
• Platform: SKPYE. You'll receive a link to join before our meetings. You do not need a Skype account to join. Just click the link and follow the prompts to join the call. Leslie Montana is not responsible for technical issues on the attendee's side.
• Location: Your computer. Please log on a few minutes early to make sure you're connected and ready to go.
• Access to a private page on Leslie's website where additional information, videos, and/or voice recordings will be posted to assist you in your process. This adds an extra dimension of support and keeps us connected throughout the time we work together. Your page will remain available for 6 months or longer after the conclusion of this masterclass.
• During your program Leslie Montana is available to assist you in your process, usually by email during the week, and as described in your welcome email.
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• This is a non-refundable item.
• Disclaimer Leslie Montana reserves the right to refuse any person(s) service and/or products of any kind, and for any reason whatsoever she deems reasonable and appropriate. All sessions/consultations are offered at the sole discretion of Leslie Montana. Terms of service are subject to change without notice.