Yellow Rose in Rain

Yellow Rose in Rain watercolor painting by Leslie Montana

Title: Yellow Rose In Rain, Affection & Friendship | Medium: Watercolor on HP paper

As I worked on this painting I noticed how the rose petals layered themselves into a heart-shaped formation on the lower left side.  Can you see it? I love that. It's a special touch that came about naturally and remains a feature that many people comment on. My flowers tell their story through their unique personalities and this one says sweet-hearted friendship.

Key Notes: Loving Affection, Honoring of Friendship. The energy of this painting supports us in our appreciation of our friends and the bonds we create with others. Yellow like the boundless sun, with a multi-petaled heart at its center, it beams out positive goodwill. Let it help you honor the generosity of spirit that only true friendship can generate.

Yellow Rose in Rain, watercolor

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