Cabbage Flower, Watercolor

Title: Cabbage Flower
The cabbage is a complex form, and it takes time to capture it in all its nuance. As I work, time melts away and dissolves as I enter into a type of silence filled with endless energy. It keeps me going for hours on end. Here, I have a sense of time that feels more real and less bound up in the digital quality of our modern world. It feels much more grounded to me. Organic rather than synthetic.
The energy of this painting is around themes of focus, inner resolve, and what it takes to follow the light as an act of continual devotion. Its frequencies relate primarily to the grounding of spirituality in practical ways that are in service to the truth of our being.
Keynotes: Devotion, Inner Resolve, Sustainable Action
Greens are among the most healing of colors. It's vibrancy and range bring to mind the freshness of spring, and the incredible variety of vegetation present on our planet. Vitality, balance, and aliveness are just a few common descriptors. The frequency of green resonates most closely with the heart center and is a powerful healing color to nurture and maintain in our energy field. Think forest bathing, eating live greens and vegetables, and the inner peace we feel when sitting in a garden and just being with with a majestic old tree. These are things that have exceptional value in our world. We cannot live well without them.
Leslie Montana