Pink Rose Blossom, Unconditional Love, Transmutes Negativity

Title: Pink Rose Blossom, by Leslie Montana
Watercolor on hot press paper
Paper size: 22 x 30 inches | Image size: 19 x 18 inches
Key Notes: Unconditional Love, Transmutes Negativity
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Alignment with Unconditional Love
This work of art was completed in stages and remained unfinished for the greater part of 3 years. The blossom in the finished painting seems hover in space. It's not an optical illusion, but rather an expression of life. Somehow touchable within the mind, Pink Rose Blossom can appear dimensional, almost like a hologram to those who can see it.
The energy of this painting assists us in our open-heartedness, as well as when we need to let go of anything that's obscuring our innermost self, our beauty. As spirit animates our human form, it shines through our core from the infinite well of creation while simultaneously returning to source. This energy flows through plants and flowers in unique ways that can teach us. Roses are special in that they have a lot of to say about unconditional love. They're known for their ability to transmute negativity.
When feeling challenged, Pink Rose Blossom can provide a soft cushion as negative thoughts and feelings soften and fall away, much like the petals of a rose. Pink Rose Blossom functions as a visual flower essence and can affect not only people who see it but the environment it's placed in. Like having a rosy pink love-light on all the time.

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The words that go with this painting have become an inspiration for others, and were given to me by spirit when I needed to understand my own worth. As the understanding dropped deeper into my consciousness I was enveloped with a beautiful soft and supportive energy. Afterwards I found myself repeating those words like a mantra, its meaning permeating my being, and gently rearranging some of my though patterns.
Mother Nature is a great teacher, and she knows our intrinsic worth even when we forget. We're all worthy despite circumstances, limiting ideas, and various issues. And it's our job to wake up to this truth. The truth of who and what we truly are. As we do, we leave a trail so that others may follow with greater ease and speed.
"Flowers need not prove their worth to receive the rain."
It's my personal mantra. And you can remind yourself daily with an inspirational print.
Leslie Montana
Exquisite Paintings on the Nature of Flowers is a body of work based on a sophisticated visual analysis of nature's frequencies = LOVE. Ongoing, and now in phase two.