Meditation, The Mind of Creation
Before I turned twenty, meditation seemed mysterious and weird. It also seemed like it would be the most boring thing in the world. Why would I just sit and focus on nothing? I was busy and happy creating. The idea of meditation made no sense to me. Later I learned that it was a great way to cultivate enhanced states of mind that were beneficial. I also realized that I was already doing my version of it. It's natural to me.
My creative work, and life in general, has always been a meditation. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not. I became aware as I explored, and soon realized I could choose my state of mind, and that I wasn't my mind.
The zone, is a state of being that we all have to work hard to maintain. While most people get stuck in the frantic pace of life, disconnected from what is, I do my best to stay in the zone. Creating from this space is fun and life-giving. It's powerful.
My fractal, Fibonacci inspired designs address this in a specific way. For instance, my textile and apparel collections are like wearing the circuitry of coherent energy. With all the chaos around us it helps us maintain the vibe we need most. It directs us toward the still point that sustains us.
"When entering into the central space of silence you’ll find that it’s filled to the brim with sound. That's the silent sound of the infinite which is palpable and alive and beyond anything our physical ears could ever hear. It’s where our higher-self lives and plays, just waiting to provide the download for our next inspired action. Consciously choosing to be in coherence with our higher-self is an act of spiritual maturity. It's also a matter of frequency. As the organizing principals of light come together to create infinite possibilities for you (microcosm) as well as humanity (macrocosm) we are waking up to witness the miracle that life is. And as we grow and learn to tap into higher truth we're held and moved along in grace. Do your best to choose by placing your attention on the positive. Just do your best. It’s always enough."
One of the best ways I've found to get in the zone is through focused creativity and imagination. Anyone can learn about art, but the creative aspect is more important to master. When you put it all together it's magic.
--Albert Einstein. "I'm enough of an artist to draw freely on my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited; imagination encircles the world."
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